Dachshund Rescue of North America
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Memorial Garden
Submitted 2024-08-31
Tipper came into our lives about three years old through the aid of DRNA and foster Mom Judy W from Tidewater Virginia. She had been returned from several potential adopters without substantial reaso... Read more ...
Submitted 2024-08-11
Franklin (Georgie) crossed the bridge at his home in Tennessee. Missy, as well as his brothers Pete and Fritz were there as we all said goodbye. At his last vet checkup, they estimated he was 17-18... Read more ...
Submitted 2024-02-14
Sadie, our princess, you brought us so much joy. From the day I saw your rescue photo with soulful brown eyes I knew you were destined to be our girl. We had some twists and turns though, as you wer... Read more ...
Submitted 2021-07-27
Our beautiful Athena took her last breath on July 24, 2021.... Read more ...
Submitted 2021-07-13
Double Dapple Hellmann was born in a backyard in Missouri on April Fool's Day 2004. A stroke of sheer luck brought him north to Canada four months later - and he absolutely graced my life with his qu... Read more ...
Submitted 2021-05-28
01/13/2009 to 05/22/2021
Age: 12 years and 4 months
Today an angel on earth became an angel in heaven. Fluid on his lungs made
breathing difficult. Rather than try to drain it which would... Read more ...
Submitted 2019-10-04
To her little man

I adopted Cooper 2 1/2 years ago. I thought I wanted the purebred beautiful puppy, but then Cooper, a very abused goofy looking 1 year old was recommended to me. I said YES and it... Read more ...
Submitted 2019-09-14
Sept. 14, 2019. Our beloved Louis crossed the rainbow bridge. He was 15. At that age you know it's imminent, but it doesn't seem to make it any easier. He was the younger of a bonded pair we adopted f... Read more ...
Submitted 2019-08-06
Miss Cinnamon Qurashi-Darner, adopted through DRNA in December 2017, passed away on Jun 27, 2019. We feel so blessed to have been able to adopt Cinnamon through DRNA.

My husband Mike has always loo... Read more ...
Submitted 2019-07-22
Eleven years ago, our family rescued/adopted 'Gretal Girl' from DRNA. During that time, she was our Queen and lived a comfortable and well-spoiled life. She was the perfect addition to our family and... Read more ...
Submitted 2018-12-02
Sebastian passed away unexpectedly on Thanksgiving.... Read more ...
Submitted 2018-08-28
Josie has gone to Rainbow Bridge.... Read more ...
Submitted 2017-06-16
  We adopted Cobe when he was 10, along with his younger brother Louie ( parents, different litters).  Cobe was a bossy brother who kept patrol in the yard, chased the cat, and insisted on going thr... Read more ...
Submitted 2017-02-01
My friend and loving companion passed on January 30, 2017. He was over 16 years old and pretty healthy until the last few weeks. He brought sunshine and happiness to our lives and loved us always.
... Read more ...
Submitted 2015-01-26
We adopted our little Humphrey (nickname of Bug) from DRNA and since his date of adoption, he has been a treasure to us with his always-giving love. He was a little guy, but full of love. Our little... Read more ...
Submitted 2015-01-19
The title says it all. You were never a dog to us. But our son. I don’t know where the last 10 years went Eddie. We wish we could have them all back.
I have written this 10 times, but it gets t... Read more ...
Submitted 2014-11-03
To My Buddy Mr Clyde,

I am writing this with a HUGE hole in my heart, my friend. One that nothing will ever fill the way you did.
It’s been a week since you crossed the Bridge to be with your... Read more ...
Submitted 2013-12-26
Dear Chili,

Today, as I write this, it’s one year since you went into the hospital - a week before you passed away. It’s taken me this long to get enough strength to write these final wo... Read more ...
Submitted 2013-12-26
"Rusty Sisca: July 1997 - December 2013. Rusty was adopted when I was going into my senior year of college. He was the first dog I ever took care of on my own. I adopted him at 10 years old and fell... Read more ...
Submitted 2013-07-05
This is a love story about a dumped dachshund who found her forever daddy.... Read more ...
Submitted 2013-07-03
Willow will be missed....... Read more ...
Submitted 2013-04-04
Our beloved pet... Read more ...
Submitted 2012-08-28
Lily - My DRNA adoptee... Read more ...
Submitted 2012-05-22
Our special needs baby... Read more ...
Submitted 2012-05-16
My life with Joey and the day we said goodbye.... Read more ...
Submitted 2012-03-28
JD was a DRNA rescue fostered by Jane Lantz. He recently passed away from bladder cancer.... Read more ...
Submitted 2012-02-29
My dog Joey

I always get rescue dogs, and each one I have gotten has had their own unique and wonderful personalities. I especially like senior dogs, because they deserve a good and happy life.... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-10-21
Remembering Duckie... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-10-11
Once in a lifetime, a special friend finds you and a connection is made immediately for life. Patrick found me in December 2008. From that first moment, the connection was there. Immediately we were the best of buddies.... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-07-21
We adopted our first dachshund, Kadie Elisabeth, on April 12, 2004 after being referred to DRNA by my cousin, Jim, who had had a great experience with the organization. She was everything we could’v... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-06-07
You came into my life as my 11th foster...abandoned on the side of a busy road and picked up by animal control....... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-05-13
A broken body, but never a broken spirit.... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-04-10
Lola, a brownish red mini dachshund, was adopted by her owner Emily almost three years ago in New York City. Emily was volunteering for the Mayor's Alliance for New York City's Animals, at a micro chi... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
Dear Alastor,

You taught us so much in the short 2-½ years we were lucky enough to be your humans. In particular you showed us it's possible to overcome a profound disability and be extremely happ... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
"This is dedicated to the memory of Zigi Zigenbein, a brave little dachshund with a big heart.

Zigi was abandoned by her owner, who asked the dog pound to destroy Zigi. I always believed that Zigi... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
In memory of Woody (Kanungo), 1996-2008

Woody was a God's gift to us. He stole our heart. Took our hearts with him when he passed away on October 20, 2008 after only five years of his life with us... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
In honor of Woodie (1992 - 2006)

Some times in the world of rescue a senior dog crosses our path and leaves an everlasting mark. Woodie was only a part of my life for six short weeks.

Yolanda... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17

A very special doxie who truly loved life. Weezer showed the world being a cart dog was an ok thing. Even though he was only with me for two years it seems like a life time and was not... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17

A young DRNA foster, paralyzed from his waist down, Squirt never had the opportunity to go to a forever home. He was fun loving young boy and in his mind he had no limitations. He fav... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
Silky Bryce was her name - She was born on August 26, 1988 - She left us on March 23, 2008

Silky was a beautiful, red, long haired, mini dachshund who was unaware she was only 9 lbs. She came int... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
In Loving Memory of "Scooter"

Dear Reader: My name is "Scooter" Adams and I am an 8-year-old, long-hair, black Dachshund.

I was about 4 years old when I came to my forever home with Lynn and K... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
(1997 - 2007)
The Queen of my Heart, I shall always love you

... Grieve not,
nor speak of me with tears,
but laugh and talk of me
as if I were beside you...
I loved you so --
'twas Hea... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17

My mother is 88 now, approaching her 89th birthday in May. She is the widow of a Navy Veteran. I was their only human child. As a Navy family, we moved frequently. In Philadelphia, whe... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
Enjoy looking at the world with two beautiful eyes, precious Ruby. You found peace at last and shared a bed with Lucy and the next day you were gone. We love you and will see you at the Bridge... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
Pretzel was a wonderful companion, friend to all who knew him. His love of the outdoors, playing ball, gardening and generally “watching” the house were his passion. We got Pretzel when he was fou... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
Penny came to us from DRNA. Her previous owner, a single man, had passed away and his family was not able to take care of her. She was identified as a "primadonna". I knew right then that she would fi... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
Franco came from Kansas and was given up by a man who had several pets he had to find homes for because he had to go into assisted living. He found homes for all but Franco. Maybe because Franco was 1... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
October 19, 1993 - October 27, 2006

Our baby, best friend and soul mate left us on 27 October 2006 at 2:26 am. He was born a standard wirehair dachshund with wild boar coloring. We adopted him whe... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
Holly Van Dervort - 1996 - 9/22/2008 (picture with Noel attached on our last trip to Lake Eerie in August)

I find myself thinking about our beloved little girl, our peanut, our Simba, our precious... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
HERSHEY, red mini, born October 2,1980, passed away of old age on November 30, 1999, at the age of 19 years.

Hershey was my best friend for 19 years. I miss him dearly and think of him daily. Hers... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17

I was looking for a dog who would excercise with me. I saw this little dachshund at an adoption agency. I took her out of her cage, she started running and jumping, full of energy!... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
Hank was our first Dachshund to adopt. Hank was blind but no one would ever have known it, he took each day and lived it to the fullest. Hank will always hold a special place in our hearts.

I hope... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
My darling little girl, my little biscuit. Words cannot describe the amazing amount of love I have for you. I was nothing less than blessed that you made a home in my heart. I miss you so much Biscuit... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
(?1997-Nov. 27 2008)

Who would have guessed that the meek little creature we brought home from her foster family in January, 2001, still recovering from surgery to amputate one of her hind legs an... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
I guess I took Gert for granted because I could not believe how heart broken I have been since she died. Gert was not very obedient or well trained but a comical and very vocal dog. I mean she didn't... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
In Memory of our Darling little Jake

We would like to thank Dachshund Rescue of North America for giving us the HONOR of Adopting Jake from Lois and Harvey Armstrong back in 2003.

Jake was a Sp... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
We adopted our first dachshund (Beatrice) from DRNA in 2003 and worked with Jane B in 2005 to adopt a senior dachshund named Fonzie. We're sending you this message to let you know that our dear sweet... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
On 24 June 2008 at 5:30pm, our little baby girl Braitsen Whitney passed away. She had been a cancer survivor for over 2 1/2 years. Through her fierce strength, determination, and courage, the last 2 1... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
My name is Flora Dora, and although I may not be of your world any longer, I have ingratiated myself into the hearts of everyone I've come in contact with. I want to give thanks to my original owner,... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
FIONA the warrior princess was one of the first DRNA rescues. She was found at the city dump in Ironton, Ohio, with one of her puppies. She came to my house to have a few comfortable months before she... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
Eeyore came into our lives as fast as he left us. In the four short months that he roamed our home, Eeyore (named for the Winnie-the-Pooh character) changed our lives. His foster mom Yolanda asked me... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
Daisy and her littermate Max adopted me on June 28, 2003. Since they were seniors I knew their time with me could be limited. I was fortunate to have a little over 3 years with Daisy before she passed... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
Dora was picked up with her sister, Clair, in Cobb County, Georgia. Dora was about 14 or 15 years old. She came to live in her foster home August 15, 2010. Dora had a mammary tumor, a skin allergy, an... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
Doodles, the little man in a dachshund housing, has left the building. Katy got doodles when he was already 7 years old. His former owners were greedy non-caring former Texans who dumped him at the hu... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
I am making a donation in memory of my in-laws beloved dachshund, Max Brady. He just passed in the loving arms of his mother July 2. He had cancer and was given 2 days to 2 weeks. He was 14 years old... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
I adopted Oscar in the fall of 2004, after my beloved Winnie had passed away. I had fallen in love with him at first sight, when I saw the picture that his foster-mom Mardy had posted on the DRNA site... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
(1992 - 2007)

In memory of Oscar - Oscar was a little guy with a big heart and bark who was very loyal to his family. Never fully realizing he was a dog and not a human, Osc loved being involved i... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
Oscar, May you finally find the peace and happiness that you so richly deserve. You came into our home, and into our hearts, and in there you will always be. May the sun always warm your back, a hand... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
I adopted Nicholas from DRNA in January of 2003. From the beginning he was the best and most beautiful dog that I had ever met. He was great with the kids, housetrained, love to play outdoors and roll... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
Mr. Duncan's last wish before his passing was to help dachshunds with back problems that would otherwise have no choice but to be put down. His own dachshund went down and he opted to have surgery. Hi... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
Minnie, you're the reason...

Minnie, you're the reason I became so endeared to the Dachshund Breed. We all fell in love with you from the moment we met you. Pappy had to have a dachshund like you,... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
In Memory... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
DRNA wishes to thank the family of VICKIE SUE BAKAN, for the donation made on her behalf. We know that Vickie Sue would be pleased to know that her contribution is making a difference in the lives of... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
In mid November of 2005 Max began his very short life in a central PA puppy mill. This particular miller feeds all of his dogs dried corn. After being weaned Max too was placed on a diet of dried corn... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
I love Dachshunds and especially my most recent little angel, Macy. She is waiting for me on Rainbow Bridge. Macy is the angelest angel that ever was or ever will be. Many thanks for all of your wonde... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
Lucy was many things - opera singer, kibble inhaler, knitting buddy and a fabulous under-the-blanket hot water bottle. Above all though she was an affectionate and constant companion to Jackie.

She... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
Lucy was found wandering the streets of Tulsa, OK. A vet guessed her to be somewhere between 15 and 17 years of age. She wasn't well, had the typical ailments of an elderly dachshund.

The most fam... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
Dear DRNA,

We adopted April in 1996 April came from Maine.She lived with a very old lady who spoiled her until she was ten. The old person passed away. April was alone and frightened. The old lady'... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
Link was born around 1981 and passed away in 1993.

He was born with a birth defect that caused his front feet to have deformed toes. Because of this, he walked with a slight limp (although it neve... Read more ...
Submitted 2011-03-17
April came to us as a senior dog and stayed with us for the next 10 years. We got her when she was 8-10 years old. April led a full and happy life along with her other brothers and sisters. We lost Ap... Read more ...
Submitted 2010-06-11
After a couple of years with no dog, I finally had my fill. We were getting a dog. Our daughter - just turned 6 at the time - wanted a dachshund because she knew one from the neighborhood. Yolanda gra... Read more ...
Submitted 2010-03-09
We adopted Toby, who was 10, from Rachel in Rhode Island in January 2005. She had rescued him when he was dropped off at an animal shelter in horrible shape. He loved to push his ball around the yard... Read more ...
Submitted 2010-03-03
Winston became part of the White family (joining Sandy, Scott and Oskar) in 2005 when he was adopted from DRNA in Greenville, SC. He quickly warmed up to famiy home life and spent a good two years enj... Read more ...
Submitted 2010-03-01
I didn't realize just how much a little dog can lift one's spirits. When I adopted my darling Ian I had a broken femur and was off from work. I was home with him for several weeks and really got to kn... Read more ...
Submitted 2010-01-01
Our Harry adopted us from DRNA in November 2004. He was a runaway from West Virginia and luckily he found his way to DRNA, and to our house! Only God knows what he went through before our skinny, scra... Read more ...
Submitted 2009-11-17
In memory of Hamilton, who will always be "my puppy" - and a special thanks to Pam Glasser, DRNA rep in SC, for the use of her poem!

I see that you are sad today
Because my body died
But I am her... Read more ...
Submitted 2009-10-23
We recently had to put our Dauchshund mix (Spunky) down on 9/11/09. We were heartbroken and thought we'd give time before adopting again. Not even two weeks later, we went to the Dauchshund Rescue sit... Read more ...
Submitted 2009-10-02
Pepper was 12 years, 4 months when we discovered she had lymphoma and possibly Cushings disease. She had been aging, but all of a sudden she started crashing fast over a two week period of time. When... Read more ...
Submitted 2009-05-01
I adopted Philly in the summer of 2004. He was, from the beginning, a 'spirited' little guy. Or maybe 'little' isn't the best word. He was a chunky monkey. Like his mommy, Phil struggled throughout hi... Read more ...
Submitted 2009-04-30
I wanted to send a donation in memory of our little "Floyd". We rescued Floyd from a busy street in Jan. 2007. He appeared to be a little older, although he wasn't fixed. He had bad teeth and really l... Read more ...
Submitted 2009-02-28
Who knows what pain and indignities my little boy suffered before he was rescued in SC in the winter of 2004? Or what he had to do to survive? But, his strong determination (many have called it his st... Read more ...
Submitted 2008-10-01
Dreamer was a sweet soul we did not know very long. She was only a few weeks old when she died September 3, 2008 from a bacterial infection she contracted at a puppymill where she was born. On Saturda... Read more ...
Submitted 2008-03-01
March 20, 1992 - October 17, 2007

Hi Jake,

It's been about 10 months since you had to go. I have learned to tolerate life although I am still sad a lot. I think of things we did together and I... Read more ...
Submitted 2006-12-01
This is my favorite photo of Bubba, taken just a week before he was called home by God. Bubba was around 15 years old and we lost him to congestive heart and kidney failure on November 27, 2006. He wa... Read more ...