Dachshund Rescue of North America
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Cinnamoon Tag #11480
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Story submitted 2019-08-06
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Miss Cinnamon Qurashi-Darner, adopted through DRNA in December 2017, passed away on Jun 27, 2019. We feel so blessed to have been able to adopt Cinnamon through DRNA.

My husband Mike has always looked upon Dachshunds fondly, and we waited patiently until we felt we were in a position to care for one of our own. When that time came, we were so excited to adopt our perfect, first, and lovely little furbaby Cinnamon.

We do not know for sure where Cinnamon is originally from or her true age. We know she was surrendered by a family that found her “abandoned,” and when this family could no longer care for her, she entered rescue in April 2017. She joined our family, and her forever home, on December 8, 2017. When I look back to my calendar for that day, it says only one thing: “Cinnamon!” People always say she must have gotten that name from the color of her coat. I like to think she kept it because she’s spicy and sweet!

Mike always tells the story that it was NOT love at first sight…until it was. At first Cinnamon was not happy being driven home in a crate. So the pair stopped when they could, Cinnamon got a treat, and they took a leisurely walk. Ever since then, Mike and Cinnamon have been inseparable. I know she loves me (her fur-mommy) as well, but Cinnamon was definitely a daddy’s girl!

She quickly became the little queen of our household, and of the neighborhood dogs. She had a bark of a dog three times her size, and as her vet liked to say, she had a lot of opinions! Cinnamon was quite the traveler – she’s seen the beach, the mountains, lakeside family cabins, but was at her core a city girl most at home on bustling sidewalks and not always keen on grass or mud. She loved to relax with a nap cuddled up in pillows and blankets, resting on her daddy’s lap, and serenely rolling over for a belly rub.

Cinnamon was diagnosed with a chronic illness that needed regular treatment and check-ups. Despite this, she thrived and even got to a healthy weight (a challenge for her initially). We got to know our specialist veterinarian Dr. Mariah Frank quite well and cannot thank her and her team enough for all they did to care for Cinnamon.

Unfortunately, her health took a rapid decline a few weeks ago. She was admitted to the hospital multiple times, but did not improve with medical treatment. On June 27, 2019, Mike and I played one final time with our baby Cinnamon. She enjoyed an entire filet mignon after refusing to eat anything for days. We gave her one last kiss and loving pat on the head from mommy and daddy, and said goodbye to dear Cinnamon in her daddy’s arms so she could finally rest peacefully.

Though our time together was short, it was meant to be. She was meant to find us, and we were meant to be her forever home. She will always be a part of our family, and we will always remember her as our first baby, Cinnamon.

CinnamonCinnamon with her mom, Farheen, and dad, MikeCinnamon with her dad, MikeCinnamon enjoying a car ride