Story submitted 2019-09-14
Sept. 14, 2019. Our beloved Louis crossed the rainbow bridge. He was 15. At that age you know it's imminent, but it doesn't seem to make it any easier. He was the younger of a bonded pair we adopted from Dachshund Rescue in 2012 because I suddenly realized that we had taken my son to college. . . so I definitely needed dogs. Louis is famous in our family lore for gorging on acorns and precipitating a Christmas day trip to the emergency vet. After his brother died (Cobie, June 14, 2017), Louis further endeared himself to us by making peace with the cat. In his old age, he became blind and couldn't tell where sound was coming from, but he bravely answered every call, and always behaved like a perfect gentleman despite his infirmities. We are so grateful for his trust and love.
Cobie's Memorial Garden story can be found at: https://drna.org/stories.php?id=352