Dachshund Rescue of North America
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Sadie Tag #9300
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Story submitted 2024-02-14
View Dawn's Profile

Sadie, our princess, you brought us so much joy. From the day I saw your rescue photo with soulful brown eyes I knew you were destined to be our girl. We had some twists and turns though, as you were so anxious when we first met – pacing, concerned, and afraid to approach. Yet at the end of the day you climbed in the car, got on my lap, and asked to come home with us.

Sadie, such a gentle soul and at the same time fiercely protective of Bink and your pack. At a moment’s notice, you’d be on guard to keep him or us safe. You adored your brother and always followed him – where do we go? what do we smell? what do we do? He always showed you the best things.

Sadie, you never did tell us your story…..and we can’t imagine how you ended up alone in a ditch. But, we’re so very glad Judy rescued you and we found each other. You were always so appreciative and happy, swatting your paws and dancing, smiling, wagging your tail, and jumping like a bean. We’ll always remember the day you discovered the joy of chasing a squeaky toy. You had watched Bink with curiosity, but didn’t seem to understand what was happening. Then a lightbulb went on…..and there were never enough ball games.

Sadie, my girl, you wanted to please us and never took on the doxie attitude of entitlement. The closest you came to demanding was your cute ability to lay perfectly still and thump your tail once, twice, three times to request scritches. You were the best snuggler; laying beside me with your head by my face for nuzzling. We’d sleep together for hours in peaceful contentment.

Sadie, you kept a small social circle of people and dogs. Those on the inside were loved unconditionally and others were met with great reserve. At all the meet-ups you were always most comfortable between my feet or your Daddy’s feet. A safe haven.

After Bink you welcomed Kismet to your pack. As you slowed down, she brought puppy enthusiasm to the house. You were so tolerant and loving and she repaid you with motherly affection, licking and cleaning your face, head, and ears. She adored you and wanted so much to play that she couldn’t resist occasionally jumping on your head!

It’s still hard to believe you’re gone, Princess! You stayed strong, stoic, and determined with places to go even as your mobility worsened. You gave us your all and you can rest now, with Bink, across Rainbow Bridge….. we know you are sprinting after your favorite red ball!

My beautiful girl, the eyes, the love, the thankful spirit, the joy of being together, protecting your pack, playing ball, the beach and the breeze in your face, your small, private, carefully chosen social circle. My love, I miss you – you will always be in my heart.

Sadie at the beach