Marshall, we grieve over losing you. Tag #12515
Story submitted 2018-08-08
Apr 6, 2019: Pupdate-it’s with great sadness that I have to tell you that Marshall has crossed the bridge. We tried all we could to save him but he was suffering and we had to make the decision to let him go. His little body just couldn’t fight any longer, the heartworms had damaged his heart and eventually his lungs and there was just nothing we could do to help him. Trust me, we would have done ANYTHING! Please take heartworms seriously and keep your pups on prevention year round. It was so crushing to watch him and not be able to help him.
Marshall gave love and knew love in his last months. He came from a hoarding situation in TX (over 100 dogs). But you would have never known he had such a horrible past. Everyone that met him , loved him instantly. He was an amazing dog and my heart is crushed right now. I know every dog is special in their own way but some are just special in EVERY way. Marshall Skippy Jonjones was one of them. He touched a lot of people, everyone that met him actually. He was just this little guy with a huge personality. He had soulful eyes that reached your heart. You will be missed by many lil man. I love you and will forever keep a part of you in my heart. You have changed me and how I will approach heartworm dogs from here on out. I’m sorry that humans failed you. I’m crushed that we couldn’t save you. I know you hold no grudges but I do. May you rest in peace knowing you made a difference. ??
Mar 2019: PUPDATE- Marshall was treated for heartworms in August. We repeated his heartworm test March 2 and unfortunately, he is still heartworm positive. This means that he will have to repeat the heartworm treatment. He is a trooper and I know he will pull through but its going to be rough. He was also diagnosed with stenosis of the trachea which causes him to sorta wheeze to try to breath sometimes. Its common in the toy breeds and for now, we are just going to keep a close eye on him and make sure he is comfortable.
If you would like to donate towards his heartworm treatment, which runs about $300, please donate on his link above.
Aug 2018:
This tiny red brindle wire haired doxie mix is lucky that he found himself to DRNA. He came from a hoarder with over 100 dogs! He is heartworm positive and has started his treatment. Marshall will be ready for his forever home by Christmas. He is a total love bug and everyone that meets him falls in love. Whoever is lucky enough to adopt him will have hit the doggie jackpot!
Marshall's heartworm treatment ran over $300. If you would like to donate towards his care, please click his link above.
Thank you!