Dachshund Rescue of North America
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Heidi and Chloe
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Story submitted 2011-06-29
Heidi came to me in Nov 1999 as a companion for my older (rescued from a pound) dachshund Sam who is now 16. But she soon proved too energetic for someone well into retirement , so I decided to get another girl Heidi's age. Chloe came to me in Nov of 2000. This photo was taken in Dec 2001 and they are both about 5 now. They are puppy mill rescues and very happy to never have to be in a cage again. I bought a house with a huge back yard that is wooded so they have room to hunt and run. Of course when it's cold they won't go more than 2 feet from the house.

They have both learned to respect Sam (the old man) and my two cats ( that are bigger than they are) and have adjusted to my life style very well. When I want to relax they sit with me. When I want to walk they love that too. They also enjoy boating, fishing and camping. Chloe is still very over protective of her toys but I just make sure she has plenty. Squeakers are their favorite. They all snuggle with me at night and will never have to spend a minute in a cage or a kennel the rest of their lives. They were both older dogs (3 and 4) when I got them but I MUCH prefer that to trying to deal with a small chewing, peeing puppy. Heidi and Chloe are the best! I will probably be adopting again some day. Thanks to all the volunteers that helped get them to me from other states.

Wanda Zodrow
